We often get ourselves so busy that the things that get left behind are the things that are the most important! We’ve got 18 years to teach our children the Gospel, and it can’t all be squeezed in at the end. Becoming a disciple is a slow process, bit by bit, with patience and love. Take the time to teach your children why it all matters, because if you don’t, they’ll be taught entirely different lessons from the world.

“Never miss a chance to gather children together to learn of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Such moments are so rare in comparison with the efforts of the enemy.” – Henry B. Eyring

The Power of Teaching Doctrine – Henry B. Eyring

We are all just walking each other home. At any point we can call ahead and ask our Heavenly Father for help. He may not answer our prayers how we expect, or by sending who we expect, but He loves us and wants what is best for us! Trust in Him, and that He is guiding our lives, challenges and all!

“It is comforting to know we are not alone in the world, despite the challenges we face in life.” – Ulisses Soares

Prophets Speak by the Power of the Holy Spirit – Ulisses Soares

It doesn’t matter where we are in this world or in life, if we earnestly seek Him, we can feel of His love and find peace!

“Even in a world where peace seems far off, The Savior’s gift of peace can live in out hearts regardless of our circumstances. If we accept the Savior’s invitation to follow Him, lasting fear is forever banished. – L. Whitney Clayton

The Savior’s Gift of Peace – L. Whitney Clayton

It shouldn’t be our goal to attain any kind of position in the Church. Some of the most effective ministering and service can only be rendered when one has the time available from not being tied down to a calling… focus on loving and serving others as Jesus would, and we will learn to love as He loves.

“Perhaps when we face our Maker, we will not be asked ‘how many positions did you hold.’ But rather, ‘how many people did you help.'” – Thomas S. Monson

Faces and Attitudes – Thomas S. Monson

We each play a role in Heavenly Father’s plan, and not just to advance His plans but also for our own benefit. As we serve others and share the Gospel, we come closer to our Heavenly Father and we help others come closer to Him as well. No one can replace us in that role and no one can replace us in God’s eyes. He knows us, loves us and looks forward to our returning to live with Him one day! We are irreplaceable.

“You are important in Heavenly Father’s plan.” – Dale G. Renlund

Face to Face – Dale G. Renlund

Just because we don’t understand something today, doesn’t mean we won’t understand it at some point! Take what you know and live it the best you can, more will come, but on the Lord’s timeline, not ours!

“Don’t let something you don’t fully understand unravel everything you do know.” – Kevin W. Pearson

Stay by the Tree – Kevin W. Pearson

Our Heavenly Father knows us better than we know ourselves! He will bless and magnify our lives as we strive to stay on the covenant path but we must be willing to be led by His hand, we must be willing to accept correction and have faith that the Lord knows what He is doing!

“God is the gardener here. He knows what He wants you to be.” – Hugh B. Brown

The Currant Bush – Hugh B. Brown

If you’re not digging into the scriptures on a daily basis, you are missing out on daily inspiration that can guide you each day! The Holy Spirit can more easily communicate with us when we are familiar with the languages of the Spirit, and we can learn that through reading the scriptures.

“One of the best-kept secrets of the kingdom is that the scriptures open the door of revelation.” – Bruce R. McConkie

Doctrines of the Restoration – Bruce R. McConkie

There are no vacations from being a disciple of Christ! There are no timeouts or breaks from the test of life. Satan will work on us weekly, daily and hourly. But whether it’s the 1st, or 14th or 187th time we mess up, the Lord has provided a way for us to repent and try again. The key is to repent and try again!

“Following Christ is not a casual or occasional practice but a continuous commitment and way of life that applies at all time and in all places.” – Dallin H. Oaks

Followers of Christ – Dallin H. Oaks


~Todd Bruce

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