As I have been studying the scriptures, I have come to the understanding that the Lord looks at the heart, not at the outwardly appearance. You can do everything right, as far as checking off “the checklist”, but in the end if you have lost the “why” for the “checklist”, then it is for nothing. The Savior came as our ultimate example and loved us. Everything he did was about love, his heart was pure, so his actions were pure. We live in a fallen world, it is difficult to be perfect. We all have weaknesses, and obstacles that get in our way. However, if our hearts are set on the Lord, then we will be able to overcome these stumbling blocks. The most important part, is that we don’t become stumbling blocks for others, that we love everyone, and recognize that they too have to live in a fallen world, with unknown circumstances and unannounced weaknesses. Can we not be like the Savior and give grace to others? The Savior has provided the ultimate grace, so that all of our sins can be washed clean through His blood by repenting and purifying our hearts, which ultimately will purify our actions. We, too, can give a little taste of this grace, by allowing others to journey on their path towards eternal life, without criticism and judgement. We have only been asked to love one another, that’s it folks. We don’t have to worry about any of the other details. Christ himself, who knows the beginning from the end, who comprehendeth all things, understands all things, and has all wisdom, will be the judge. 

That is why I am so happy to bring Jacob 2 to you today with exactly what we are talking about. My favorite part of this lecture is that he is talking to the people before their thoughts of sin have become public. He has been able to know their thoughts by the power of the Holy Ghost. 

Jacob 2: 4 For behold, as yet, ye have been obedient unto the word of the Lord, which I have given unto you. 5 But behold, hearken ye unto me, and know that by the help of the all-powerful Creator of heaven and earth I can tell you concerning your thoughts,how that ye are beginning to labor in sin, which sin appeareth very abominable unto me, yea, and abominable unto God. 6 Yea, it grieveth my soul and causeth me to shrink with shame before the presence of my Maker, that I must testify unto you concerning the wickedness of your hearts.

“I implore you to think clean thoughts…Every action is preceded by a thought. If we want to control our actions, we must control our thinking.” -David O. McKay

That is where it all starts, in the thoughts and heart. Our desires precede our actions. This is actually a gift from the Lord, so that we can stop the direction before it gets to the action part, which then affects those around us, especially our families. The key to this is recognizing that we are having sinful thoughts and making sure that we stay humble enough to fix them. I will be honest, our thoughts and our hearts control everything, so I am not suggesting that this is easy, but it is important to understand. Even with parenting, our children will start with thoughts, curiosity, and desire, before they actually act on anything contrary to the Lord or their parents. This is why listening is so important. Often, when they are first starting to have thoughts that are against what they know to be right, they will come and express this to the parents. Often it appears innocent, and it usually is. Just remember the power of the thoughts, and make sure you listen to their concerns and give them the encouragement and tips they need to change their thoughts. 

It is important to understand two concepts. First, we have control over our thoughts. We are not only the author of our life book, but also the editor. Sometimes someone, namely Satan, may try to put thoughts in our minds that are contrary to what we believe or who we are. We just need to immediately edit these thoughts out. Recognize them as evil, and be aware of where they come from, and then delete them. When they refuse to just delete, sing a song, quote scriptures, read from the scriptures, or cast them out verbally in the name of Jesus Christ. Do not allow them to linger too long. The fear is that they find a place in your mind that accepts them as part of your book, and allows them to stay. This is a much harder place for you to detect them.  This is the same for our children, and we can help walk them through understanding this, so they can learn to detect those thoughts that are placed in their minds by the adversary.

If we can control our thoughts and keep them pure, then our heart will always be protected. 

Mathew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

“Our actions are preceded by our thoughts, and when we commit sin, it is because we have first thought of committing that particular sin…the way to avoid sin is to keep our thinking pure. The scripture tells us that as we think in our hearts, so are we. We must have the mark of virtue.” -Thomas S. Monson

The good news is that the way to rid ourselves of these unrighteous thoughts and to purify our hearts is pure and simple. Nothing has changed from the beginning of time. Sometimes I believe Satan wants us to believe it is difficult, and I think sometimes we want it to be more complicated. 

Jacob 2:11 …I must tell you the truth according to the plainness of the word of God

Since unrighteousness, sin, and evil are all not good, then we know the source from where they come, all good comes from Christ. Therefore we know that if we are headed in the wrong directions, all we have to do is change directions. We need to be moving towards Christ, not away from him. Remember, Christ doesn’t get mad and move away from us. His hand is always stretched out to us, he is always there ready to rescue us. We get to make the choice to come to him, and accept His helping hand. To do this we need to get back on our knees, and have a desire for change. That alone will turn our direction. Pray to the Lord and explain that you need help. After that, do your part. Work hard to change your thoughts and actions that are contrary to the Lord’s way. Everyday, come back to the Lord, and council with him, repent, and listen. Then try to do a little better the next day. You will be amazed how gradually your heart will change, It will change. Be patient. Be believing. 

If you are really wanting to walk with the Lord, read your scriptures along with praying, they will change your life. Start somewhere. My dad used to tell us teenagers, that we need to open the scriptures every single day. He testified that they were alive with the love and words of the Lord to guide us. He knew our hearts weren’t into spending much time seeking the scriptures, so he told us to at least open them, and run our fingers along the words, until we were ready to read them. Then he testified of how the scriptures would change our lives. 

I, too, stand as a witness to the power of the scriptures, especially combined with prayer. The two have the ability to move mountains within each individual life, to change the courses of personal rivers, and to calm the raging seas. Together they will clear thoughts, change hearts, and help actions to be aligned with the Lord’s. The greatest part of being in direct council with the Lord, is that when worldly struggles rise, it is easier to recognize, when the Lord is your partner. He won’t let you stray, unless you choose a new partner. 

“Spend time with Him. Meditate on His words. Take His yoke upon you. Seek to understand and obey, because “this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments.” When we love the Lord, obedience ceases to be a burden. Obedience becomes a delight. When we love the Lord, we seek less for things that benefit us and turn our hearts toward things that will bless and uplift others.

As our love for the Lord deepens, our minds and hearts become purified. We experience a “mighty change in … our hearts, that we have no more disposition to do evil, but to do good continually.” -Joseph B. Wirthlin

What could the Nephites being struggling with in their thoughts that has Jacob so worked up?

Jacob 2:12 And now behold, my brethren, this is the word which I declare unto you, that many of you have begun to search for gold, and for silver, and for all manner of precious ores, in the which this land, which is a land of promise unto you and to your seed, doth abound most plentifully. 13 And the hand of providence hath smiled upon you most pleasingly, that you have obtained many riches; and because some of you have obtained more abundantly than that of your brethren ye are lifted up in the pride of your hearts, and wear stiff necks and high heads because of the costliness of your apparel, and persecute your brethren because ye suppose that ye are better than they. 14 And now, my brethren, do ye suppose that God justifieth you in this thing? Behold, I say unto you, Nay. But he condemneth you, and if ye persist in these things his judgments must speedily come unto you.

One of the most common of all sins among worldly people is relying on and then boasting in the arm of flesh. This is a most serious evil. It is a sin born of pride, a sin that creates a frame of mind which keeps men from turning to the Lord and accepting his saving grace. When a man knowingly or unknowingly engages in self-exultation because of his riches, his political power, his worldly learning, his physical prowess, his business ability, or even his works of righteousness, he is not in tune with the Spirit of the Lord.

We would all do well to take a lesson from the Savior, who repeatedly acknowledged and gave credit to the Father in all things. Indeed, that precedent was set in the premortal council when Jesus Christ pledged the fruits of all he might himself accomplish to go to the Father: “And the glory be thine forever.” (Moses 4:2.)” -Marvin J. Ashton

In my opinion pride is the sin of all sins. It is hard to detect in others, it has no scent, or visibility, and yet is is serious sin, because it seeks to destroy others. If anything in our lives demeans, belittles, or destroys others, we need to rid it out of our lives. The second commandment is to love one another. Love and pride can’t co-exist. They are polar opposites. The scriptures are full of warning against casting out the poor and needy, because one assumes they are better than another. There is nothing that someone can do that brings them lower than another in the eyes of the Lord. In like terms there is nothing that anyone can do that puts them higher than another. WE ARE ALL EQUALS!! 

Jacob 2:21 Do ye not suppose that such things are abominable unto him who created all flesh? And the one being is as precious in his sight as the other. And all flesh is of the dust; and for the selfsame end hath he created them, that they should keep his commandments and glorify him forever.

I was explaining to my children that the homeless guy who is addicted to drugs, and has lost his identity, is in a much better place if he treats those around him with kindness, then the wealthy man, who goes to church every week, but preys on the less fortunate, disregards him as nothing. If the Lord has blessed you with talents and strengths that have allowed you to have much in this world, then use it to help the Lord help others. I am not saying that you have to give everything, but you should at least give your full heart. Be open and willing to help, with a generous heart, if the Lord needs it. I promise, that he will need it. The Lord can magnify what we give to bless many. He can feed thousands with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. We can’t comprehend what our generosity will be able to do for others when we put the Lord first. If it requires a little sacrifice on our part, then their is a lesson to be learned through that sacrifice that is greater than what could be obtained without it.

“Sacrifice is when we give up something good for something of far greater worth.” -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Jacob 2:16 …O that ye would listen unto the word of his commands, and let not this pride of your hearts destroy your souls!

17 Think of your brethren like unto yourselves, and be familiar with all and free with your substance, that they may be rich like unto you.

18 But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God.

19 And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good—to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted.

20 And now, my brethren, I have spoken unto you concerning pride; and those of you which have afflicted your neighbor, and persecuted him because ye were proud in your hearts, of the things which God hath given you, what say ye of it?

A nice car and expensive clothes will not cover up a hard heart that judges others, and is selfish in the eyes of the eternal judge, Jesus Christ. We must be kind, and generous. It is the easiest to fix unkindness by starting with thoughts. As we purify our thoughts our hearts will soften, and become purified as well. Then our actions will follow, and we will be filled with love for others, even before ourselves. 

“We will be judged for our desires as well as our actions (see Alma 41:5; Doctrine and Covenants 137:9) and that even our thoughts will condemn us (see Alma 12:14). We must not “procrastinate the day of [our] repentance” until death, Amulek taught (Alma 34:33), because the same spirit that has possessed our body in this life—whether the Lord’s or the devil’s—“will have power to possess [our] body in that eternal world” (Alma 34:34). Our Savior has the power and stands ready to cleanse us from evil. Now is the time to seek His help to repent of our wicked or unseemly desires and thoughts to be clean and prepared to stand before God at the Final Judgment.” – Dallin H. Oaks

-Sherri Jorgensen

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