Luke 22:42 ​Saying, Father, if thou be willing, ​​​remove​ this cup from me: nevertheless not my ​​​will​, but thine, be done.

​​​43 ​And there appeared an ​​​angel​ unto him from heaven, strengthening him.

How many of us have struggles that appear too hard to bear?

I am just one person and within my family and associates, I know people who are struggling beyond what one would agree is bearable. Mothers and fathers with cancer, given only a couple months to live. Children with the awareness that in a short time they will no longer have one of their parents. Death of loved ones from accidents, and trying to handle the grief that comes with it. Marriages that have fallen apart, and living in the unknown, trying to find a new norm. Financial struggles, spiritual doubting, physical ailments, illness, and much more. Christ set the perfect example, as he faced the most pain and anguish that will every be experienced here on earth. He knows he must suffer every pain, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally, that will every be experienced by any person living in mortality. He takes on all the sins, illness, grief, loneliness, despair, and heartache. His suffering is so great, that he pleads with Heavenly Father to remove this cup from him, if at all possible, but if not, he says “Thine will be done.” 

The next part is my favorite, with all the trust one person could possibly have, and suffering the greatest anguish, he continues to drink of the bitter cup. The father, who knows that for the salvation of all mankind, we must have a Savior, allows Christ to suffer for each of us, individually. However, he sends an angel to strengthen Christ. 


If your prayers for relief have not been answered, then pray for and recognize the strength that he will send you, so that you can have the strength to bear whatever ailment you are going through. In addition, we also, have the Savior, who is willing to carry us during our most difficult moments, if we will allow him too. 

This week, and every week after, let’s practice turning our will over to our Father, and trusting him to have our best interest. Then let us carry one with renewed strength, and a good attitude. 

My son, Luke, has been sick with POTS, and other diseases, for the past 5 years. It has been a long, difficult 5 years. He prays every day for healing. We pray as a family every day for Luke’s healing. Friends, and other family members are praying every day. He hasn’t been healed, but he has been strengthened by the Lord and by those whom he knows are thinking of him and praying for him. 

So as I read that verse, I told Luke, “This is for you! It’s says LUKE. It’s Luke 22:42, which is Luke to you for you.” He looked at me a little strange, then I held up my fingers, Luke to (2 fingers), you (2 fingers) for (four fingers) you (two fingers). He smiled, as he realized that this verse could give him strength during difficult moments and now he had it memorized. LUKE 22:42

-Sherri Jorgensen 

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