During Priesthood Session of April 2019 Conference, Carl B. Cook shared some important truths about Quorums and specifically about Priesthood Quorums. He shared experiences in a branch in Africa and how a Quorum helped some young men grow in the Gospel. He also shared how he received support when he was a youth and might’ve been considered an underdog. He shared his testimony of the divinely inspired organization known as the quorum.

The Quorum: A Place of Belonging – Carl B. Cook

Having close friends and family who lift you up can make all the difference. If you don’t have friends or family in the Gospel, remember that you do have a quorum, and as any quorum grows and strives to be better, all it’s members can be made better.

“Every Priesthood holder, regardless of his situation, benefits from a strong quorum.” – Carl B. Cook

A quorum is a support network that can help anyone grow in the Gospel. Quorums are filled with imperfect people, who are striving to be better, and as we all strive to be better, we can challenge each other to be better. No competition, just growth, and most importantly, as we grow together, we can be angels in each others lives.

“A strong, united quorum makes all the difference in the life of a young man.” – Carl B. Cook

We are all loved. The Lord recognizes times of need in our lives. When we struggle or are in times of distress, we receive support from Heavenly Father. The youth are at a critical stage of their lives, so it reasons that Heavenly Father would give them special attention and call special people into their lives to help guide them.

“The Lord loves each young man and each young woman.” – Carl B. Cook

When we serve others, we are serving the Lord. In turn, we are doing the Lord’s work. We have the opportunity to exercise the Priesthood of God and act in His name. We do His will by serving others, and in so doing, we learn to love others as He loves them.

“We, as priesthood holders, are the Lord’s hands.” – Carl B. Cook

A quorum is more than a social gathering. It’s an opportunity for growth amongst a group. We need to work together, to lift others, and to serve each other. A rising tide floats all boats. When we work to be better, we can help those within our quorum to be better.

“A quorum is a place where we instruct each other, serve others, and build unity and brotherhood as we serve God. It is a place where miracles happen.” – Carl B. Cook

As we live the Gospel, our friends and coworkers can see the light of the Gospel in our lives. We can share that light with them in simple ways without being overbearing. Simply sharing small aspects of the Gospel has worked for me, or sharing uniquely Latter-day Saint things and why those things are a priority.

“Disciples of Jesus Christ are often gathered a few at a time, as invited by their friends.” – Carl B. Cook

‘Many hands make light work’ is not just a saying about helping someone move. We must also share the load in ministering unto others, to promote discussion and to encourage each other to be better.

“Wherever you are, your quorum can grow through activation and sharing the gospel.” – Carl B. Cook

Life is not a competition against each other. We are competing against ourselves, competing to be our best selves. We have been given families, friends, and quorums to help us to grow into our best selves. With these groups, we can truly understand how to serve and love others as Jesus would serve and love them.

“It is my prayer that we will accept the Lord’s invitation to be united with Him in our priesthood quorums so that each quorum might be a place of belonging, a place of gathering, a place that grows.” – Carl B. Cook



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