As parents in Zion, you have received the gift of the Holy Ghost. As you pray for guidance, “it will show unto you all things what ye should do” in teaching your children. As you develop processes of learning, “the power of the Holy Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of the children.” -Elder Bradley D. Foster

As parents, it is important that we listen to our children, so that we understand what difficulties they are struggling with. As we practice listening, we will have opportunities to help them recognize the Holy Ghost in their lives. Since the Holy Ghost speaks in a still, small voice, it is difficult to discern a prompting over personal thoughts. It takes practice to learn to receive personal revelation. In the world that our children are growing up in, they are going to need open communication with heaven. This is another area that is taught in the home. Often young people don’t recognize the Holy Ghost’s prompting, but as we listen to them, and help them respond, we are able to teach them how to hear/feel the the Holy Ghost. It is one thing to learn by principle how to listen to the still small voice, but it’s an impactful moment to learn by action. The Holy Ghost brings the powers of heaven into our individual lives. Anything this magnificent is going to take practice listening, practice obeying, practice accepting the comforts and guidance.

I recently had one of these opportunities. Chelsea and I were heading to Des Moines to go shopping. It was an hour drive, meaning we would be gone for at least 4-5 hours. I felt a bit hesitant to leave the kids with Luke, since he had not been feeling well, and my youngest at the time was 3, and could be difficult. Luke insisted that he was fine, and that we could go. We were 10 minutes down the freeway and Chelsea asked me if I was nervous. I told her I was fine. Then I thought about her question and thought maybe she was feeling something. So I asked her how she felt. She said she felt nervous, but then tried to explain it away.  I asked her if she felt like we should go back. She thought about it, and decided we better go back and check on the kids. When we got home, I told her to stay in the car and I would try to sneak in and see if everything was okay. When I got inside, I couldn’t find the kids. Then I saw them outside all playing. Luke was having them run up and down the hill. Everyone appeared happy. I went back to Chelsea and told her that everything appeared fine. She wanted to see for herself. She also thought they all looked content. Before heading back out, she thought we better ask Luke. We opened the door and yelled out to Luke to see if everything was okay? Luke threw his hands in the air and started running towards us yelling, “How did you know I needed you?” Luke told us all about the events that had occurred in the last 15 minutes, and how desperate he was for help, so he took the boys outside to run hills and hopefully calm them down. His reaction to our return was priceless and perfect, because it helped Chelsea know without a doubt that she had actually felt a prompting and responded to it. I was just as thrilled that I listened to her and then helped her respond  her feelings. Since this experience, Chelsea has gained confidence in her ability to hear the Holy Ghost’s guidance in her life.

“The gift of the Holy Ghost may be likened to a sure, personal compass to provide lifesaving vision, wisdom, and insight as a spiritual window. The Holy Ghost gives us clear guidance and direction in a world of unanchored faith….the Spirit of the Holy Ghost is the greatest guarantor of inward peace in our unstable world. … It will calm nerves; it will breathe peace to our souls. … It can enhance our natural senses so that we can see more clearly, hear more keenly, and remember what we should remember. It is a way of maximizing our happiness.” -James E. Faust 

-Sherri Jorgensen

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