“It is comforting to know that we are not alone in the world, despite the challenges we face in life.” -Elder Ulisses Soares

One of my hardest struggles with my husband not being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not being able to openly share the gospel. It’s a very lonely place to be. Joseph Smith explains it best, “A religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things, never has power sufficient to produce the faith necessary unto life and salvation”. Someone who doesn’t have a full understanding of the joy and comfort that the gospel provides in life may think that statement is too strong. In my experience, as you fall in love with Christ’s guidance in your life, it becomes part of every moment. It drives you everyday to be better, to learn more, to be kinder, more understanding, and less judgmental. It’s absolutely amazing how Christ asks us to sacrifice all, and in return we receive in greater abundance. Everything is enlarged as we put the Lord first. He knows that as we choose the path to eternal life, we get to walk away from all the lies and distractions of the adversary and enjoy all the beautiful “fruits” that life has to offer. This is what we want to share with everyone who wants to listen, but most importantly our spouses and families. This is what creates loneliness when we are stuck in our own place of joy and can’t share it with our families. It can be very very difficult.

That is where Spiritual Crusade has blessed my life. My brother is the founder, and the life behind Spiritual Crusade. For two years he asked me to write, but I was afraid. I didn’t feel like I had anything to say, but then one day, I took his invitation and committed to a posting daily. It has changed my life. I hope and pray every day that I will be able to share a post and help someone, even just a little. I pray for our readers and our potential readers. The greatest part of my Spiritual Crusade journey is I’m growing. My desperate prayers of sadness and desire to share the gospel with my husband have been answered. Spiritual Crusade has given me a chance to have a community of common ground. I study and share my own thoughts, and I read all my fellow blogger posts everyday. My testimony is growing. It helps me teach my children, it gives me more patience with my family, and it has blessed my marriage.  Mark is able to read my posts, and he does. He loves them and gives me great feedback as well as discussion. It has opened the door for sharing. It is everything I desired, I just didn’t know how to get it. The Lord knew, and through my brother got me to a place where I could share and learn from others who are on the same journey.

My suggestion, since not everyone has a brother whose a founder of a Christ-loving blog, is to find a friend and do a study with each other. Start something on your own, maybe even a group study. Journal your thoughts. Pray and ask the Lord to help find a place where you can join others in gospel learning and sharing. If you live where institute is taught, that would be a great place to go! Remember, the Lord loves you and wants you to grow spiritually. Also remember you are not alone on your journey, even when it feels like it!  Hang in there, YOU ARE DOING A GREAT JOB!

-Sherri Jorgensen

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