By small and simple things are great things brought to pass. (Alma 37:6)

The standards presented in this booklet are a guide to help you make correct choices. Review the standards often and ask yourself, “Am I living the way the Lord wants me to live?” and “How have I been blessed by living these standards?”

To help you become all that the Lord wants you to become, kneel each morning and night in prayer to your Father in Heaven. Express to Him your gratitude and the desires of your heart. He is the source of all wisdom. He will hear and answer your prayers.

Study the scriptures each day and apply what you read to your life. The scriptures are a powerful source of personal revelation and guidance and a constant strength to your testimony.

Strive each day to be obedient. Follow the standards in this booklet, and encourage others to live them as well. Remember the covenants that you have made and that you have the opportunity to renew each week when you partake of the sacrament. Strive to keep these covenants. If you make a mistake, don’t give up on yourself. Your Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to seek His help and keep trying.

When possible, attend the temple and feel the joy and peace that come from serving in the house of the Lord. Prepare yourself for the temple covenants you will make in the future.

Young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, commit to serve a full-time mission. This is a priesthood duty. Keep yourself clean and worthy, and work diligently to prepare yourself to represent the Lord as a missionary.

In all circumstances, follow the teachings of the prophets, the other authorities of the Church, and your local leaders. They will lead you in paths of happiness.

Be humble and willing to listen to the Holy Ghost and respond to His promptings.

Place the wisdom of the Lord above your own wisdom.

As you do these things, the Lord will make much more out of your life than you can by yourself. He will increase your opportunities, expand your vision, and strengthen you. He will give you the help you need to meet your trials and challenges. You will gain a stronger testimony and find true joy as you come to know your Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ, and feel Their love for you.

Here is the link:

-Sherri Jorgensen

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