Christ works the most miraculous wonders through ordinary people. I believe it’s because being ordinary keeps us willing to listen, respond and change. Through the simple acts of ordinary people, extraordinary events take place, miracles happen, and generations are changed.
The scriptures are filled with extraordinary ordinary people. What about Peter, Andrew and their friends who were ordinary fisherman out for a day of fishing. It was the same schedule they most likely followed every day. Just out trying to make a living, and feed their families. When Christ walked by and invited them to follow him. They listened. That’s the moment they became extraordinary. They followed Christ. That obedience changed their lives in every way possible, their careers changed, their motives and attitudes changed. I would guess their language and activities changed. More importantly than even them, they changed the world. These simple, faithful, devoted fisherman, set an example to the whole world of what it means to follow Christ.
“The truth is that each of us is one generation away from Deity–each is a child of God. And just as He has done with both prophets and ordinary men and women through the ages, so Heavenly Father intends to transform us.” -Michelle D. Craig
I think about all the missionaries who give up a couple years of their lives to serve the Lord. To the world they appear to be young, everyday teenagers, but as they accept the invite to follow Christ, they become extraordinary. They change not only their own lives but generations are changed one conversion at a time. Because of them the gospel of Jesus Christ is continuing to spread throughout the world.
“As we make Christ the center of our lives, our fears will be replaced by the courage of our convictions.” -Thomas S. Monson
Parents–these are my all time favorite ordinary people who become extraordinary as they choose to sacrifice their own lives, follow Christ, and bring souls to earth. That’s not the end of the beautiful extraordinary part of parenthood, they gently lead their children towards Christ, guiding them through the obstacles thrown in their way, walking beside them downhills and uphills. Without parents, the gospel wouldn’t survive the generations. Righteous parents are irreplaceable and absolutely necessary to the kingdom of God here on earth.
“Ordinary people who faithfully, diligently, and consistently do simple things that are right before God will bring forth extraordinary results”. -David A. Bednar
Please take the time to watch this 3 minute video clip…it’s AMAZING!!
-Sherri Jorgensen
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