Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness.

Be honest with yourself, others, and God at all times.

Being honest means choosing not to lie, steal, cheat, or deceive in any way.

When you are honest, you build strength of character that will allow you to be of great service to God and others. You will be blessed with peace of mind and self-respect. You will be trusted by the Lord and will be worthy to enter into His holy temples.

Dishonesty harms you and harms others as well. If you lie, steal, shoplift, or cheat, you damage your spirit and your relationships with others.

Being honest will enhance your future opportunities and your ability to be guided by the Holy Ghost.

Be honest at school; choose not to cheat in any way. Be honest in your job, giving a full amount of work for your pay. Do not rationalize that being dishonest is acceptable, even though others may think it does not matter.

Closely associated with honesty is integrity. Integrity means thinking and doing what is right at all times, no matter what the consequences.

When you have integrity, you are willing to live by your standards and beliefs even when no one is watching.

Choose to live so that your thoughts and behavior are always in harmony with the gospel.

Here is the link:

-Sherri Jorgensen

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