It was not a coincidence that the miracle of Jesus’s birth and John the Baptist’s birth were at the same time. Every detail of these two stories…from two completely different lives happening at the same time were 100% God’s plan. God’s plan was perfect. He knew before their births who they were, and He knew that even in mortality they would be able to resist Satan and fulfill their purpose perfectly. John was as near perfect as any man who ever lived but he had no problem taking zero credit. He gave it all to Christ, for He was about God’s plan. However, the Lord needed John to  fulfill his part. He needed a righteous, God-fearing, man to be ready to baptize Christ. The Lord knew before the womb the two miracles that were going to bless the whole earth. He hand-picked the parents, because He knew that Jesus and John would need earthly support and teaching. It was all planned out perfectly.

The truth is that if we will allow the Lord to guide our lives, He will do it with exactness. There will be no coincidences and there will be no mistakes. Do we trust that the Lord has us in the palm of His hands?? Do we trust that he knows every detail about us, the good, the bad, the ugly? Do we trust Him with the desires of our hearts, with the prayers of our souls? Do we believe that miracles can happen in our own lives?

I once heard that miracles in the Bible are only figurative. That’s a lie that can only come from one source. Every miracle in the Bible is literal. Including this beautiful one of Elisabeth having a son when she had far passed the age of child bearing, and the miracle of Mary having God’s son. They are true.

Before I dive into the details of these two chapters and how they can apply to our lives, I want to encourage everyone to do a one week “Come Follow Me” challenge….

Sit down with your family, give each person a paper, and have them write down all the miracles that they have seen in their own life. Big miracles, small miracles, and tender mercies; don’t discount the small moments when you recognize help from heaven.  That’s a miracle! Any help, guidance, advice, answers, healing, strength that you receive is miraculous for they all show that we indeed have a father in Heaven who cares about us and loved us independently and individually.

After the lists are made, you can discuss them if you would like. Gather them up, and for the next week, pass them out each night during family prayer and scripture time, and let each person record the Lord’s hand in their lives that day. Record miracles!  This is a way we can see the finger of Lord in our lives, through recognizing all He does for us.

Once we learn to see the Lord in our daily lives, slowly we will start to be filled with love and joy from the overwhelming realization that He is in every detail and that we are not alone. We are loved beyond measure.

-Sherri Jorgensen

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