“When we follow the prophets’ counsel to hold family home evening, family prayer, and family scripture study, our homes become an incubator for our children’s spiritual growth. There we teach them the gospel, bear our testimonies, express our love, and listen as they share their feelings and experiences. By our righteous choices and actions, we liberate them from darkness by increasing their ability to walk in the light.” -Robert D. Hales

Getting teenagers actively involved in family scripture time can be a challenge. I have to give a shout out to my crew, because they are all amazing. However, I still see the glazed over eyes, droopy lids, and daydreaming. I have tried lots of different approaches to scripture time, and have enjoyed all of them. 

  • Reading while the kids are going to sleep
  • Everyone reads a verse
  • I read and then talk about what we read
  • Act out the scriptures
  • Play scripture games

I have discovered my all time favorite way to keep my youth involved. It’s simple but effective. When we all gather, I will call on one of them to lead. I’ve learned not to worry about giving them a heads up, it doesn’t really help them, it just stresses them out. I want it to be a pleasant experience. I will either hand them the verses to read from the “Come Follow Me” program or we will read from The Book of Mormon. After they read they explain what they read to the family. They apply it to their lives. It’s helped that I have done this for them for years, so they know what to do. 

I change it up so they don’t know what to expect. I use all the above mentioned styles, I just make sure that each of the teens lead at least once a week. I found that allowing my older kids to lead helps everyone listen better. Plus, the one leading gets the most out of it. That way I know that at least once a week my teens will be all in. They won’t be thinking about all their other distractions.  They will focus on what they are reading so that they can share. I also notice that the younger ones perk up when they are being taught by their older siblings. They also enjoy the back and forth discussion a little more when it’s sibling led. 

Here is an example of the magic these youth bring to family scriptures!

Chelsea (15 yrs old) read John 1 35-46

Then she expressed her feelings about the scripture reference that she just read. This was her explanation….

She reread these verses:

John 1:38 Then Jesus turned, and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? They said unto him, Rabbi, (which is to say, being interpreted, Master,) where dwellest thou?

​​​39 ​He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where he dwelt, and abode with him that day: for it was about the tenth hour.

She explained:

When the disciples said they wanted to see Him, Christ’s answer was: Come Now! Come spend the day with me!

Jesus sends us all a real invitation to come follow him. Come see him! Come be a follower! There is no hidden, secretive purpose except to lead us safely home, and to carry us when life is too hard to walk alone. There is no sign up sheet, you don’t have to take a number, there isn’t an initiation process. You can come just as you are, in the clothes you are wearing, make up isn’t a requirement, neither is status. There isn’t a certain way you have to look, act or be. Just come now! Come ready to learn! Come ready to follow! Come ready to be changed!

The gospel isn’t hard. It’s easy! It’s not designed for us to fail, but to succeed. We are all winners when we are making good choices and striving to become better. 

There is no reason to wait. Right now is the perfect time to come to Christ.

(She listened to her siblings talk and respond. Then closed with family prayer.)

I absolutely loved what she had to say, it was beautiful as she told her younger siblings to come to Christ now! The spirit was strong and the lesson short…two perfect qualifications for our before bed devotion time. 

“These four tools are fundamental habits for securing your life in the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Remember our Savior is the Prince of Peace. Peace in this mortal life comes from His atoning sacrifice. When we are consistently praying morning and night, studying our scriptures daily, having weekly family home evening, and attending the temple regularly, we are actively responding to His invitation to “come unto Him.” The more we develop these habits, the more anxious is Satan to harm us but the less is his ability to do so. Through the use of these tools, we exercise our agency to accept the full gifts of His atoning sacrifice.” -Richard G. Scott

-Sherri Jorgensen

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