For those who seek, allow, and live for it, the dawn of faith, sometimes gradually, will come or can return.

Attempt to be creative, even if the results are modest. … Creativity can engender a spirit of gratitude for life and for what the Lord has woven into your being. … If you choose wisely, it doesn’t have to absorb a lot of time.

Faith—how as we face the light and warmth of a campfire, we leave the darkness and uncertainty behind us–how on sometimes long, lonely nights, our campfire of faith can give hope and assurance. And the dawn does come.

Our campfire of faith–our memories, experiences, and heritage of faith in God’s goodness and tender mercies in our life–has strengthened us through the night.

The light will come when we desire and seek it, when we are patient and obedient to God’s commandments, when we are open to God’s grace, healing, and covenants.

There is joy in imagining, learning, doing worthwhile new things. This is especially true as we deepen faith and trust in Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

We cannot love ourselves enough to save ourselves. But Heavenly Father loves us more and knows us better than we love or know ourselves. We can trust the Lord and lean not unto our own understanding.

Our Savior knows our circumstances. As we exercise God-given agency and engage all our faculties in humility and faith, our Savior, Jesus Christ, can help us meet life’s challenges and joys.

Faith includes a desire and choice to believe

When we have felt, or feel, uncertain, alone, frustrated, angry, let down, disappointed, or estranged from God and His restored Church, it may take an extra measure of effort and faith to enter again on His covenant path. But it is worth it!

Please come, or come again, unto the Lord Jesus Christ

God’s love is stronger than the cords of death–temporal or spiritual. Our Savior’s Atonement is infinite and eternal.

Each of us strays and falls short. We may, for a time, lose our way. God lovingly assures us, no matter where we are or what we have done, there is no point of no return. He waits ready to embrace us.

Here is a link to the talk:

-Sherri Jorgensen

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