Now that we live in a day of plastic…we don’t carry a cash. As you walk into the store you’ll see the bell ringers. Most of us just smile, throw in some loose change if we are lucky to have any, and wave. I usually can find a dollar or some change. Today, there was a couple of guys collecting money for addiction abuse recovery. I made a courtesy look in my wallet and I had $10. All the normal thoughts flooded my mind, what if they pocket the money or is it for something that’s not good for them. I almost just smiled, put the money back in my wallet and walked away. But something kept nudging me to give the $10. So I did. Noting magical happened… I will never know if it went to the cause or not. But my heart changed a little bit that moment. I realized that our credit cards hardened our hearts. Giving is the same as anything else…it’s a muscle that you have to exercise for it to grow.

The more we give, the easier it is. I have decided to fill my wallet with cash this season. Cash that is reserved for giving to anyone I can who appears like they need it. I believe my heart will turn to Christ. What more is the season of Christmas about! It’s about giving. Christ asked us to come follow him. He was the ultimate giver. He gave all he had to those who had the least.

“It is through giving rather than getting that the spirit of Christ enters our lives.” -Thomas S. Monson

We must fight the plastic peril and open our hearts to giving. Worry not what the person receiving will use the money for…just feel your heart growing and enjoy!

Can I be honest? As I literally felt my heart grow…I instantly thought of the grinch.

“Well, in Whoville they say, that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day!”- Dr Seuss

I was shocked? I’m not the grinch? Then I realized, the plastic peril is shrinking my heart…meaning…I’m exactly like the grinch. I just need a little giving to understand the true meaning of Christmas.

“Maybe Christmas, perhaps…means a little bit more!” He puzzled and puzzled till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. Maybe Christmas, he thought…doesn’t come from a store.” – Dr Seuss

“The spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of our soul, and we look out upon the world’s busy life and become more interested in people than in things.” -Thomas S. Monson

-Sherri Jorgensen

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