God is our Heavenly Father. We are His children. He has a body of flesh and bone that is glorified and perfected. He loves us. He understands and feels our sorrows and rejoices in our progress.

He wants to communicate with us, and we can communicate with Him through sincere prayer.

He has given us this experience on the earth so we can learn and grow.

We can show our love for Him through our choices and our obedience to His commandments.

Heavenly Father has provided us, His children, with a way to be successful in this life and to return to live in His presence. However, we must be pure and clean through obedience in order to do so. Disobedience moves us away from Him.

Central to our Father’s plan is Jesus Christ’s Atonement. Jesus Christ’s Atonement included His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane as well as His suffering and death on the cross. Through Christ’s Atonement we can be freed from the burden of our sins and develop faith and strength to face our trials.

16 ​​¶ ​For ​​​God​ so ​​​loved​ the ​​​world​, that he ​​​gave​ his ​​​only​ begotten ​​​Son​, that whosoever ​​​believeth​ in him should not perish, but have ​​​everlasting​ ​​​life​.

17 ​For God ​​​sent​ not his Son into the world to ​​​condemn​ the world; but that the world through him might be ​​​saved​.

The Spirit itself beareth ​​​witness​ with our ​​​spirit​, that we are the ​​​children​ of God:

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