In the military there is a motto…NO MAN LEFT BEHIND!!
These men join the military from all different walks of life…once they are bound together as brothers and sisters who fight for freedom…they will die before leaving one wounded on the battlefield. 
Why is it so different when it comes to the spiritual battlefield?
There’s a trend that when someone is down, or wounded…we gossip and tell everyone of their error…or in other words, we drive the knife deeper into the wound , while giving it a good twist. We judge others sins and mistakes….shooting them again, since the enemies wasn’t enough.  We leave them on the battlefield, broken….as if, left to our enemies, they will be able to heal and return to our side on their own..or we just dismiss them as less, and give no more thought to them.

If we could see life for what it was…if we could see the armies that we are fighting, who are ruthlessly trying to tempt us to do things that chain us to addictions, infidelities, and bad habits.

“You will need bravery and you will need boldness because you are enlisted in the Lord’s army in the last dispensation. This is not a time of peace. That has been so since Satan arrayed his forces against our Heavenly Father’s plan in the pre-mortal existence. We don’t know the details of the combat then. But we know one result. Satan and his followers were cast down into the earth. And since the creation of Adam and Eve, the conflict has continued. We have seen it intensify. And the scriptures suggest that the war will become more violent and the spiritual casualties on the Lord’s side will mount.” -Henry B. Eyring

If we could understand who we are…that we are all spirit brothers and sisters!

Hebrew 12:9 Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of our spirits, and live?

If we could understand that we are on the same team…we are comrades!
We would never again…gossip, judge, or hold a grudge!
We would run to those whom have been wounded by the spiritual bullets, and we would aid them any way we could, we would carry them off the field, tourniquet their wounds, and assist them on their healing!

Our motto would be…NO MAN LEFT BEHIND!!

For we are each others brothers and sisters.
There is but one Heavenly Father!
Meaning in the large scheme of eternal life…there is ONE SPIRITUAL FAMILY!
We are that family!
We are bound together her on earth for our fight of spiritual freedom. 
We are here on earth because we said YES to freedom of choice.
Every living soul….from every walk of life…is part of that family!
Every continent, every race, every gender, every personality…all part of the same “one” family!
This spiritual battle we are in…is as real as a war fought between two countries. 
The adversary is a real enemy who not only uses every tactic possible to kill us spiritually…but he uses every tactic possible to separate us…so that we don’t rescue each other when wounded.
May we lift those who are down…until they can return to the fight!!
We need each other!
Together we are strong!
Together we will win!

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