I was working at the car lot when an elderly man walked In with his dog. He first apologized for having his dog with him, and then told me the rescue story of his dog and how they were now each other’s best friends. We talked about cars for a little bit, and he mentioned he needed a new car like he needed a hole in the head! At that point I realized he wasn’t in my office to talk about cars…he was there to chat. We had the most wonderful chat, and he left me with a couple of stories that have already affected the way I look at life.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks

He told me that he has always heard that we should give thanks in all things, which he didn’t truly understand until 6 months earlier when his best friend, and wife unexpectedly passed away. They had been happily married for 54 years. It absolutely left him blind sided, since there was no warning. The scripture he had heard his whole life kept popping in his head. “Give thanks in ALL things.” This was something he had always done…but now? During the most painful, difficult time of his life? He decided to try it, to follow the council of the Lord. He starts each morning on his knees thanking the Lord for his beautiful wife and the wonderful years they got to spend together. He said every morning, while thanking the Lord for his wife; he sobs tears of joy. He is able to feel joy and happiness during the hardest trial of his life. He shared that he doesn’t think he could survive with out his prayers of gratitude. He misses her so much, but he starts his day with happy filled memories instead of grief and it carries him to the next day.

He looked at me and with all the sincerity he could muster said, “IN ALL THINGS GIVE THANKS!”

I have not had to endure a trial quite like his, and with honestly, I don’t want to. However, I will never forget the testimony of gratitude from my friend and his dog. It lifts him everyday to go out, and live. I will always remember his tear filled eyes as he expressed his tender love for Christ, who carries, until he can reunite with his true love in eternity.

My sister encourages us every year to do at least one week of gratitude prayers each thanksgiving. These are prayers where you only express gratitude to Heavenly Father. This is always the best week…for that simple act of thanking the Lord, will fill your life with blessings. Blessings you already had…but now instead of those blessings being covered up with worries and needs….they are on top, and the worries and needs are of less emphasis.

The same thing happens as we fill our lives with gratitude for our spouses and children as well. It will flip the way we look at all situations. Our lives will fill with joy – as our hearts fill with gratitude!

I’m thankful for Thanksgiving…as it helps me refocus on gratitude…pushing all my blessing to the top of my vision. 🙂

-Sherri Jorgensen

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