For devotional this morning my family talked about the story of Ammon.

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In this story Ammon is working as a servant for King Lamoni. He and several other servants get assigned the job of taking care of the Kings sheep.

Alma 17:27,28
27 Therefore, as Ammon and the servants of the king were driving forth their flocks to this place of water, behold, a certain number of the Lamanites, who had been with their flocks to water, stood and scattered the flocks of Ammon and the servants of the king, and they scattered them insomuch that they fled many ways.
28 Now the servants of the king began to murmur, saying: Now the king will slay us, as he has our brethren because their flocks were scattered by the wickedness of these men. And they began to weep exceedingly, saying: Behold, our flocks are scattered already.

As we learn from these verses, the Lamanites scatter the Kings flock and the servants become very discouraged because the King is known for slaying servants who loose his flock.

This is a very tough situation to be in! I could see how it would be very easy to give up hope at this point. I’m sure if it were me I would have just ran away 🙂 But Ammon does NOT loose hope. He took this tough situation and decided to use it to further the work of the Lord.

As the story goes on we learn that Ammon does get the flock back and the King and many others are converted to the Lord.

So what can we learn here??????

My husband is a great optimist. I see him like an Ammon. He sees the positive in every situation. He looks for silver linings. I, on the other hand, worry and stress about everything, the big, the small and everything in between. So for me, I want to be more like Ammon. I want to strive to see the positive in tough situations and be able to turn them around so they can benefit me and my family in bringing us closer to the Lord.

Ammon had absolute faith in the Lord. Here, he was presented with a situation where he was up against being put to death and yet he did not flinch. He looked for the silver lining and he found it.


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