Last week a family friend, non member, who is in college decided to check out the local branch. He attended and not one person said anything to him. Luckily he’s a strong kid…so he looked up another local branch…and attended this last week! This time it was better, some people said hi and the missionaries sat with him. But he still didn’t feel welcome.

This is a huge part of missionary work…new member and visitors must feel welcome.

imagine yourself, stepping out of your comfort zone, and coming to church with people who all know each other, they go every week, and are in a routine. There you stand all alone. Would you go back?

Joanne Doxey said it perfectly! “We are all hosts and hostesses in our individual wards. It is up to us as Latter-day Saints to reach out, welcome newcomers, and treat others with kindness and as children of God.

I was part of a special ward in St Louis where the spirit of the Lord was strong all the time. I stood in awe as our ward, full of life long strong members, who reached out to visitors. Not just with a hello, They truly brought them in, sat with them, invited them to dinner, followed up….the visitors were instantly part of the family. I’m thankful for that example in my life…so I can emulate it. If everyone could take that calling on themselves, and not wait for someone else to do it, we would find an increase in membership, our inactive members would feel loved, our visitors would come back, and new members would feel included!

I know in the larger wards…it’s difficult to know who is new….especially while focusing on your callings. If you see a new face, just say “hi”…smile….even a gentle side hug ….let them know that we are glad they are there. We need them.

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