Jacob 2:18-19 says, “But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God. And after ye have obtained a hope in Christ ye shall obtain riches, if ye seek them; and ye will seek them for the intent to do good–to clothe the naked, and to feed the hungry, and to liberate the captive, and administer relief to the sick and the afflicted.”
I really liked these verses because they’re saying that we need to put godly things before worldly things. Instead of searching for ways to gain money, search for ways to reach eternal life! This reminded me of Martin Harris when Jospeh asked him to pay for the Book of Mormon to be published. The only person who would agree to publish and print it wanted to be paid $3,000. In order to obtain this money, Martin Harris would have needed to sell his farm which would put him in a financially risky position. (Saints volume 1 chapter 8) After asking for Jospeh to pray and ask God what he should do, Martin received a revelation telling him that if he sold his farm, he would be blessed. Martin Harris did as he was told and he was still able to provide for his family. If we can all be like Martin Harris and not hesitate when it comes to making the decision between God’s will and temporal things, I know we will be blessed as Martin Harris was and God will provide us with all we need and more!
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