5 Great quotes about Believe, Love, Do by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
May I suggest that discipleship begins with three simple words:
Believe, love, and do.
Through the lens of pure love, we see immortal beings of infinite potential and worth and beloved sons and daughters of Almighty God.
Once we see through that lens, we cannot discount, disregard, or discriminate against anyone.
This very day–every day–He reaches out to you, desiring to heal you, to lift you up, and to replace the emptiness in your heart with an abiding joy.
Belief is not so much like a painting we look at and admire and about which we discuss and theorize. It is more like a plow that we take into the fields and, by the sweat of our brow, create furrows in the earth that accept seeds and bear fruit that shall remain.
It is the love of God that rescues, restores, and revives.
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