You’ve probably heard the story of the prodigal son a thousand times, BUT it’s truly amazing. 
You CANNOT fall so far that you have fallen out of reach from God’s love and redemption.
 Light and darkness cannot co-exist together. 

It is either dark or light. 
But you do not LOSE the light. your decisions simply replace the light inside you with darkness. 
So it’s our choice to live a life of light or a life of darkness. 
The world tells us that the darkness is THE LIGHT, it is the happiness.
 But what the world seems to forget to tell you, is that Your decisions have consequences & God’s way is not to hinder your experience here on earth, but to help you embrace it to its fullest, in a positive light. 
It’s a life of protection! 
That said, even in the dark, even when the light of Christ inside you is hidden because of the dark decisions you’ve made…the beautiful part is that light displaces the dark IMMEDIATELY. 
As soon as YOU choose repentance, as soon as you choose Christ, you are forgiven,
And you have successfully defeated and replaced the dark. 

By Brooke Jorgensen
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