Young women, you are incredible! You have such unique talents and zeal for life. We need you! The world needs you! In her talk,  Bonnie L. Oscarson encourages the young women to raise their hands more often in offering their help when they see a need. She also encourages the adults to recognize your gifts and talents and find ways to include you in the work of the Lord. 

Each member should know how much he or she is needed. Each person has something important to contribute and has unique talents and abilities that help move this important work along.

Every young woman in the Church should feel valued, have opportunities to serve, and feel that she has something of worth to contribute to this work.

To you, the young women of the Church, your teenage years can be busy and often challenging. We have noticed that many more of you are struggling with issues of self-worth, anxiety, high levels of stress, and perhaps even depression. Turning your thoughts outward, instead of dwelling on your own problems, may not resolve all of these issues, but service can often lighten your burdens and make your challenges seem less hard.

One of the best ways to increase feelings of self-worth is to show, through our concern and service to others, that we have much of worth to contribute.

I encourage you young women to raise your hands to volunteer and to put those hands to work when you see needs around you.

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