The Elders Quorum – By Elder D. Todd Christofferson Highlights
Elder Christofferson really helps to explain the changes that our prophet has told out. I am excited to see what lies in the future for this powerful Elder’s Quorum. Enjoy these 5 quotes.
And by the prayer of your faith ye shall receive my law, that ye may know how to govern my church and have all things right before me.

President Nelson added:

“These modifications have been under study for many months. We have felt a pressing need to improve the way we care for our members. … To do that better, we need to strengthen our priesthood quorums to give greater direction to the ministering of love and support that the Lord intends for His Saints.

“These adjustments are inspired of the Lord. As we implement them, we will be even more effective than we have ever been previously.”

I cannot adequately express how excited I am to contemplate the increasingly vital role that elders quorums will play in the future. The wisdom, experience, capacity, and strength that will be found in these quorums portend a new day and a new standard of priesthood service across the Church.

Yes, thanks be to God for the men of the priesthood and for the service they will yet render in lifting individuals and families and in establishing Zion.


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