I love this quote because it shows what Heavenly Father is capable of. He can cause the earth to pass away! He can break up the smooth places and smoothen the rough places! He can do anything.

It’s crazy how everything that happens is according to his will. There are so many wonderful miracles where something was prevented from a prompting of the spirit or where you can completely see God’s hand in your life. But, there have also been an endless amount of trials and hardships where you don’t know why Hevenly Father isn’t helping you get through that. We somtimes ask ourselves, “If God can prevent or cause anything, why does he let this happen to me?” I think it’s important to remember though, that Hevenly Father knows more than we do and in the end, everything will make sense. You just have to trust that what is happening to you is according to his plan and everything is going to work out.
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