Prepare to Meet God – By Elder Quentin L. Cook Highlights
As we prepare to meet God, we can know what our divinely appointed responsibilities are by reviewing the sacred keys restored in the Kirtland Temple.
After the vision closed, three ancient prophets, Moses, Elias, and Elijah, appeared and committed keys which were essential to accomplish the Lord’s purpose for His restored Church in this dispensation. That purpose has been simply, but eloquently, defined as gathering Israel, sealing them as families, and preparing the world for the Lord’s Second Coming.4
The Kirtland Temple, both in location and size, was relatively obscure. But in terms of its enormous significance to mankind, it was eternity-shaping. Ancient prophets restored priesthood keys for the eternal saving ordinances of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This resulted in overwhelming joy for faithful members.

These keys provide the “power from on high”7 for divinely appointed responsibilities that constitute the primary purpose of the Church.
On that wonderful Easter day in the Kirtland Temple, three keys were restored:
First, Moses appeared and committed the keys of the gathering of Israel from the four parts of the earth, which is missionary work.9
Second, Elias appeared and committed the keys of the dispensation of the gospel of Abraham, which includes the restoration of the Abrahamic covenant.10 President Russell M. Nelson has taught that the purpose of the covenant keys is to prepare members for the kingdom of God. He said, “We know who we are and [we know] what God expects of us.
Third, Elijah appeared and committed the keys of the sealing power in this dispensation, which is family history work and temple ordinances enabling salvation for the living and the dead.
Where Do We Stand Today in Fulfilling These Divinely Appointed Responsibilities?
The announcement in the priesthood session with respect to elders and high priests quorums will unleash priesthood power and authority. Home and visiting teaching, now “ministering,” as taught so eloquently in this session, will prepare Latter-day Saints to meet God.


Family history work
President Joseph Fielding Smith’s jarring comments: “None is exempt from this great obligation. It is required of the apostle as well as the humblest elder [or sister]. Place, or distinction, or long service in the Church … will not entitle one to disregard the salvation of one’s dead.”
As individuals, we would do well to evaluate our effort in pursuing missionary work, temple and family history work, and preparations to meet God.

As we look around, we see the devastation of wickedness and addiction at every turn. If, as individuals, we are really concerned about the Savior’s ultimate judgment of us, we should seek repentance. I am afraid many people no longer feel accountable to God and do not turn to the scriptures or the prophets for guidance.
Fulfilling divinely appointed responsibilities, based on righteousness, unity, and equality before the Lord, brings personal happiness and peace in this world and prepares us for eternal life in the world to come.33 It prepares us to meet God.

Background image by: Dani Gonzalez


The Twelve, as a group and individually, had a significant spiritual experience when we laid our hands on President Nelson’s head and President Dallin H. Oaks, acting as voice, ordained him and set him apart as President of the Church. I testify that he was foreordained and has been prepared his entire life to be the Lord’s prophet for our day. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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