His Spirit to Be with You By President Henry B. Eyring

I challenge you to have EARS that HEAR today.

I believe, just like the Scriptures where every word is inspired by God, this talk follows that same pattern. I believe that every word, every story, and every concept that Pres. Eyring put in this talk was inspired by God to teach us great truths if we would but just have ears to hear.

Ask yourself these two questions:

      Why is the Lord including this?

      What is the Lord trying to teach me?

Over a year ago I posted the below quote, and I thought it was so applicable for this topic. Here is the posting: http://spiritualcrusade.blogspot.com/2017/05/god-intends-for-us-to-outgrow-ourselves.html

During this lesson, I want you to think of the Holy Ghost in a different way. Typically, we view the Holy Ghost as a means of comfort, direction and protection for us. Although it is all of those things, during this lesson, think about how it transforms us and sanctifies us, creating a new creature in Christ. Just like the shell; we must outgrow ourselves, and the Holy Ghost is the key to that growth.

As I thought about the Holy Ghost and how it transforms us, I thought of this powerful quote by Parley P. Pratt:

Wow, what a physical and spiritual change is wrought upon us as we have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion.

Prophets strive to prepare the minds of the people to see God

Joseph Smith- “There has been a great difficulty in getting anything into the heads of this generation. It has been like splitting hemlock knots with a corn-dodger for a wedge, and a pumpkin for a beetle. Even the Saints are slow to understand.

“I have tried for a number of years to get the minds of the Saints prepared to receive the things of God; but we frequently see some of them, after suffering all they have for the work of God, will fly to pieces like glass as soon as anything comes that is contrary to their traditions: they cannot stand the fire at all. How many will be able to abide  a celestial law, and go through and receive their exaltation, I am unable to say, as many are called, but few are chosen [see D&C 121:40].”

We need to decide where are we going to stand, are we going to fly to pieces or be humble and receive teaching and correction from the one being who is really qualified to give us that teaching and correction, even God the Father, and His servants that are authorized to speak in His name?

Pres. Eyring’s hope is that you “increase your desire and your ability to receive the Holy Ghost.”

Background image by: James Ratelet https://flic.kr/p/KSekkA

As I thought about the idea of receiving the Holy Ghost, two scriptures came to mind.

2 Nephi 2:26 …And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon

3 Nephi 27:29 Therefore, ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; for he that asketh, receiveth; and unto him that knocketh, it shall be opened.

***The key is that WE HAVE TO WANT IT***

This is a favorite quote from the talk: “it is your choice whether to receive him and welcome him into your heart and mind.“ Henry B Eyring

Here it is again, it is our choice to receive the Holy Ghost, it is a gift that the Lord is giving, but we must take action to receive the gift, we must step forward and claim it.

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Where are we taught how to receive the Holy Ghost on a regular basis?

In sacrament, exactly. Eyring says: The conditions on which we can receive that so pearl blessing are made clear in the words that are spoken every week but perhaps do not always sink into our hearts and minds. Do you have the spirit sent to us, we must “always remember“ the Savior and “keep his commandments” (D&C 20:77). Henry B Eyring

Story of his father when his mother died 

We all experience tragedy during which we need the reassurance of the Spirit. I felt it one day as I stood with my father in a hospital. We watched my mother take a few shallow breaths—and then no more. As we looked on her face, she was smiling as the pain left. After a few silent moments, my father spoke first. He said, “A little girl has gone home.”

He said it softly. He seemed to be at peace. He was reporting something he knew was true. He quietly began to gather Mother’s personal things. He went out into the hospital hallway to thank each of the nurses and doctors who had ministered to her for days.

My father had the companionship of the Holy Ghost at that moment to feel, to know, and to do what he did that day. He had received the promise, as many have: “That they may have his Spirit to be with them” (D&C 20:79).

Remember, this is an Apostle of the Lord who is telling the story. Look at the specific wording, it is very instructive. His dad had received more than just comfort and guidance from the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost was his companion and he was being taught how to act through his association with the third member of the Godhead. He was learning to outgrow his shell and become like Christ.

I want you to pay close attention to the message Eyring is conveying in his talk. He is teaching the concept of having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion and how we are changed into creatures of Christ by our association with this member of the Godhead and how we are being prepared to see and receive Christ ourselves.

Story of Jesus’s tomb

 This time of year helps us remember the Savior’s sacrifice and His rising from the tomb a resurrected being. Many of us hold images of those scenes in our memories. I once stood with my wife outside a tomb in Jerusalem. Many believe that it was the tomb from which the crucified Savior emerged as a resurrected and living God.

The respectful guide that day motioned with his hand and said to us, “Come, see an empty tomb.”

We stooped to enter. We saw a stone bench against a wall. But into my mind came another picture, as real as what we saw that day. It was of Mary, who was left by the Apostles at the tomb. That is what the Spirit let me see and even hear in my mind, as clearly as if I had been there:

Take special note of these phrases: “as real as what we saw that day” and “That is what the Spirit let me see and even hear in my mind, as clearly as if I had been there.” 

 What do we learn from this story?

Again, the Holy Ghost was not simply guiding or directing, but rather engulfing Eyring in divine teaching. This type of teaching is what we should be seeking for, as we ask for and live worthy of the companionship of the Holy Ghost our learning will become more and more divine. 

Story of disciples on the road to Emmaus

He then relates the story of the disciples and even reads the song Abide with me; ’tis eventide, to help us feel what he felt.

I have prayed to be allowed to feel something of what Mary felt at the tomb and what two other disciples felt on the road to Emmaus as they walked with the resurrected Savior, thinking Him a visitor to Jerusalem:

      Why did Pres. Eyring share these two stories with us?

      What is an Apostle of God telling us to do for ourselves?

Here we see what an Apostle of the Lord prays for. He is teaching us in very specific terms that we need to step up our game and start being taught from on High from the master teacher. I for one, will be more diligent in my prayers and requests to receive divine teaching. 

“More precious than seeing with our eyes or remembering words spoken and read is recalling the feelings that accompanied the quiet voice of the spirit.“ Henry B. Eyring

The gift

We have the priceless promise of the Holy Ghost as a companion, and we also have true directions on how to claim that gift.

Eyring teaches, “These words are said by the Lord’s authorized servant with his hands on our head: “Receive the Holy Ghost.” At that moment you and I have the assurance He will be sent. But our obligation is to choose to open our hearts to receive the ministration of the Spirit over a lifetime.”

I want you think about that word, “obligation.” It is our “obligation is to choose to open our hearts to receive the ministration of the Spirit.” 

What do we have to do in our lives to step up and honor that obligation?

Next we see how Pres.Eyring teaches us how to use the gift of the Holy Ghost to transform ourselves. He uses the life of Joseph Smith to teach this to us. 

The experiences of the Prophet Joseph Smith offer a guide. He began and continued his ministry with the decision that his own wisdom was not sufficient to know what course he should pursue. He chose to be humble before God.

Next, Joseph chose to ask of God. He prayed in faith that God would answer. The answer came when he was a young boy. Those messages came when he needed to know how God would have His Church established. The Holy Ghost comforted and guided him throughout his life.

He obeyed inspiration when it was difficult. For instance, he received direction to send the Twelve to England when he needed them most. He sent them.

He accepted correction and comfort from the Spirit when he was imprisoned and the Saints were terribly oppressed. And he obeyed when he went down the road to Carthage even as he knew he faced mortal danger.

Pres. Eyring then summed up what we learned:

The Prophet Joseph set an example for us of how to receive continual spiritual direction and comfort through the Holy Ghost.

The first choice he made was to be humble before God.

The second was to pray with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

The third was to obey exactly. Obedience may mean to move quickly. It may mean to prepare. Or it may mean to wait in patience for further inspiration.

And the fourth is to pray to know the needs and hearts of others and how to help them for the Lord. 

Background image by: Steffen Ostli https://flic.kr/p/27C1qDg

Story of his wife and the gift of charityus. 

Inspiration will help us minister to others for the Lord. You have seen that in your experience, as I have. My bishop once said to me—at a time when my wife was under great strain in her own life—“Every time I hear of someone in the ward who needs help, when I get there to help, I find that your wife was there ahead of me. How does she do that?”

She is like all who are great ministers in the Lord’s kingdom. It seems there are two things they do. Great ministers have qualified for the Holy Ghost as a nearly constant companion. And they have qualified for the gift of charity, which is the pure love of Christ. Those gifts have grown in them as they have used them in serving out of love for the Lord.

Eyring then leads us into the crowning part of his talk and the point at which the transformation from having the Holy Ghost as our constant companion will lead us to.

The way in which prayer, inspiration, and love of the Lord work together in our service is described for me perfectly in these words:

John 14:14-21

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. 

19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

I hope you were able to catch the vision of what these verses are about, they are describing calling and election made sure. To fully understand this let’s look at a few more scriptures.

The Holy Spirit of Promise

Doctrine and Covenants 88:3-5

3 Wherefore, I now send upon you another Comfortereven upon you my friends, that it may abide in your hearts, even the Holy Spirit of promise; which other Comforter is the same that I promised unto my disciples, as is recorded in the testimony of John.

4 This Comforter is the promise which I give unto you of eternal life, even the glory of the celestial kingdom;

5 Which glory is that of the church of the Firstborn, even of God, the holiest of all, through Jesus Christ his Son

Take note that the Holy Spirit of promise is the same promised in John which we just read. Now, something interesting, is that the next verse talks about Christ and he he is the source of all truth, even the Light of Cbrist. Then the Lord gives His own discourse on the Light of Christ, ending with this verse.

Doctrine and Covenants 88:13

The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. 

President Marion G. Romney in his talk titled “The Light of Christ” he said this:

“There are three phases of the light of Christ that I want to mention.

The first one is the light which enlighteneth every man that cometh into the world;

The second phase is the gift of the Holy Ghost;

And the third is the more sure word of prophecy.”

I should think that all faithful Latter-day Saints “would want that more sure word of prophecy, that they were sealed in the heavens and had the promise of eternal life in the kingdom of God.” (History of the Church of JesusChrist of Latter-day Saints, 5:388.)

And then closes with these words: “That the Lord will bless all of us priesthood bearers that we will so understand these great truths, that in the end we shall, by making our calling and election sure, enjoy the full light of Christ, I humbly pray, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. Amen.” http://scottwoodward.org/Talks/html/Romney,%20Marion%20G/RomneyMG_TheLightOfChrist.html

There is some super powerful statements in there. Do we want the “full light of Christ?” 

Understanding the Holy Spirit of promise

Bruce R. McConkie: “When the Holy Spirit of Promise places his ratifying seal upon a baptism, or a marriage, or any covenant, except that of having one’s calling and election made sure, the seal is a conditional approval or ratification; it is binding in eternity only in the event of subsequent obedience to the terms and conditions of whatever covenant is involved. 

“But when the ratifying seal of approval is placed upon someone whose calling and  election is thereby made sure—because there are no more conditions to be met by the obedient person—this act of being sealed up unto eternal life is of such transcendent import that of itself it is called being sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise, which means that in this crowning sense, being so sealed is the same as having one’s calling and  election made sure. Thus, to be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise is to be sealed up  unto eternal life; and to be sealed up unto eternal life is to be sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. And of this usage of terms, a usage which is wholly misunderstood unless the whole concept of the sealing power of the Spirit is understood, the scriptures and other prophetic utterances bear repeated witness.”

Now, let’s bring it all together.

Understanding John 14 

Bruce R. McConkie

As set forth by the Lord Jesus himself to the ancient Twelve, in one of his most loving and gracious sermons, the doctrine of the Second Comforter, noting particularly the verses quoted by the Prophet, is this: 

Verse 16: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever.” 

That is, in their case they are going to receive a Comforter in addition to the Holy Ghost already promised, and this Comforter will abide with them forever, for they shall have membership in the Church of the Firstborn in celestial exaltation. 

Verse 17: “Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” 

All that is said in this verse, if taken out of context, could apply to the Holy Ghost, whom the world cannot receive, and who figuratively dwells in the hearts of the righteous, for the title, “Spirit of truth,” applies to this Spirit member of the Godhead. (John 16:13.) 

But as spoken by Jesus, as recorded by the Beloved John, and as interpreted by the Prophet Joseph Smith, the verse has application to Jesus himself. “I am the Spirit of truth,” is his latter-day declaration (D. & C. 93:26), which is but another of the many instances in which the same name-title applies to more than one member of the Godhead. 

Thus the Lord Jesus is telling his ancient apostles that he will dwell in them in the figurative sense stated three sentences later in the same sermon: “I am in the Father, and  ye in me, and I in you.” (Verse 20.) 

Verse 18: “I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” 

I will come! The Lord Jesus Christ himself will do it! He will appear to them and be with them! And what an eternal comfort it will be, in days and years to come, to see the face of their Beloved  Lord! 

And verses 19 and 20 then reaffirm that when the world no longer sees him, yet because he continues to live in glorious immortality, his beloved disciples shall continue to see him—”Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also. At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.” 

Verse 21: “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” 

Again the Master Teacher affirms that because of love and obedience he personally will hereafter manifest himself to his disciples.

More content on Calling and Election made sure

Thus Joseph Smith says that when Peter “exhorts us to make our calling and election  sure,” it is the same thing as “the sealing power spoken of by Paul in other places.” 

(Teachings, p. 149.) The illustrative quotation from Paul which the Prophet then quotes is: “In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased  possession, unto the praise of his glory,” that we may be sealed up unto the day of redemption. (Eph. 1:13-14.) That is, the calling and election of Ephesian Saints had been made sure because they were sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise. Those who gain exaltation in the celestial kingdom are described in the Vision of the 

degrees of glory in these words: “They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and  believed on his name and were baptized after the manner of his burial, being buried in the water in his name, and this according to the commandment which he has given—That by  

keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and  receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed  unto this power; And who overcome by faith, and are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, which the Father sheds forth upon all those who are just and true.” (D. & C. 

76:51-53.) That is, they first believed the gospel, received all the conditional promises of eternal life, including the gift of the Holy Ghost, and then having “overcome by faith,” having kept the commandments, having proved themselves worthy, they finally had their calling and election made sure. 


“This principle”—that of having one’s calling and election made sure and of being sealed  with that Holy Spirit of Promise—”ought (in its proper place) to be taught,” the Prophet said, “for God hath not revealed anything to Joseph, but what he will make known unto  the Twelve, and even the least saint may know all things as fast as he is able to bear them, for the day must come when no man need say to his neighbor, know ye the Lord; for all shall know him (who remain) from the least to the greatest. How is this to be done? It is to be done by this sealing power, and the other Comforter spoken of, which  will be manifest by revelation.” (Teachings, p. 149.) 

Personal testimony that the Father and the Son are sending the Holy Ghost [as the Holy Spirit of promise] to all who have that gift [Holy Ghost as a constant companion]

I bear testimony that the Father and the Son are sending the Holy Ghost to all who have that gift, ask for that blessing, and seek to be worthy of it. Neither the Father, nor the Son, nor the Holy Ghost force Themselves into our lives. We are free to chooseThe Lord has said to all:

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

“To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith” (Revelation 3:20–22).

I will close with these words of Pres. Eyring’s telling us that this process of receiving the Holy Ghost as a constant companion and then undergoing the great change into creatures of Christ and then being sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise is happening now to all those that ask for it and are worthy of it. It is not reserved for Apostles and Prophets, but for all the saints who qualify for it. 

Background image by: Mani & Ginji https://flic.kr/p/21HoinN

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


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