I have thought a lot about prayer lately as well. That talk on the atonement from Cleon Skousen (http://www.josephsmithacademy.org/inspira/audio/the-meaning-of-the-atonement/) has truly impacted my life and my ability to exercise greater faith in my prayers. As I pray, I visualize the authority of God, commanding the elements and the intelligence that control the elements and their conformity to that authority. Joseph Smith says that faith is mental exertion, and I am starting to see how true that it really is. But also I have noticed that as I exercise that faith and put in that mental exertion, that my connection to the Spirit is so much greater and my love for the savior grows. I truly feel that I am for one of the first times in my life, I am harnessing the infinite power of the atonement. Truly the atonement is becoming real to me, and the Savior is becoming my very personal Savior.

This is a journal entry back on September 9, 2015.


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