Fan the flame of their spiritual core
“We hold in our arms the rising generation. They come to this earth with important responsibilities and great spiritual capacities. We cannot be casual in how we prepare them. Our challenge as parents and teachers is not to create a spiritual core in their souls but rather to fan the flame of their spiritual core already aglow with the fire of their premortal faith.” —Neil L. Andersen
Our children are truly amazing. I am constantly in awe at how well my children understand and receive spiritual knowledge and how pure their hearts are. I look back at when I was a kid and they are light years ahead of where I was when I was their age. Truly, their “spiritual core [is] already aglow with the fire of their premortal faith.” Now, let us as parents, step up to the plate and be the spiritual giants that these amazing children really need, in order for them to become even greater spiritual giants themselves.
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