I will be giving my talk from President Faust’s talk, “Discipleship”. I really like this talk because it is something I thought about through out my entire mission. When I was in the MTC during a devotional the speaker told about a very successful sister missionary. And I really wanted to be able to be successful and accomplish what I needed to, so I said a prayer telling my Heavenly Father that I wanted to do that too, and asking how to do it. And I received a very clear answer that if I really changed my life and made up my mind not only during my mission but for ever that I would be successful and be a true instrument in the Lords hand. And that is something I thought about a lot and really worked on, to have a sincere change of heart.

So basically my answer was this very thing, discipleship. Discipleship really is obedience to the Savior. As President Faust puts it, “Discipleship includes many things. It is chastity. It is tithing. It is family home evening. It is keeping all of the commandments. It is forsaking anything that is not good for us.”

“forsaking anything that is not good for us” That is sometimes really hard, because while Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy and gives us commandments for our protection and happiness, Satan tricks us to believe we can find that happiness in other ways. Its hard to choose sometimes between fake happiness, instant gratification, and true happiness, eternal joy and happiness.

President Faust also says, “Self-discipline and self-control are consistent and permanent characteristics of the followers of Christ.” And he adds, “The disciples of Christ receive a call to not only forsake the pursuit of worldly things but to carry the cross daily.” That is very important to remember. Yes, resisting temptations and NOT doing things that we know are wrong, is very important. And just as important is DOING things we know we should do and keep progressing. It is impossible to just coast. We are either moving up or sliding down. I experienced that my first year of college. I was the only Mormon that lived on campus (until I finally discovered two others later in the year), and while I stayed away from all the inappropriate stuff that went on, and stood up for my standards, I felt my spirit diminish slowly because I wasn’t doing what I needed to do to progress.

Now I would like to go over some things we can be actively doing to strenghthen our testimonies and devotion to Christ. There are the three things that everyone knows, that help so much. Pray daily, Study the scriptures daily, Attend our church meetings.

President Faust mentions several things that Jesus did that we can emulate.

1st) Jesus “went about doing good. We can all do something every day – for a family member, a friend, or even a stranger- if we will look for those opportunities. Service is the secret key to happiness that Im sure we all know, but so easily forget. Not only do we lift and bless others, but we too feel great after serving someone, so we too are lifted.

2nd) Jesus was the Good Shepard who watched over His sheep and had concern
for those that were lost. We can seek out the lonely or those who are less active and befriend them. This is so important and you would be surprised what little things we do can be so helpful to someone. I worked with lots of less-actives on my mission, and just about every one of them didn’t come because they didn’t feel comfortable or welcome at church. So many people just need a good friend. I was surprised sometimes that some of the members that were so fun and bubbly even weren’t comfortable. But if we reach out to each other, we can make al the difference in the world.

3rd) Jesus had compassion on many including a poor leper. We too can have compassion. We are reminded in the Book of Mormon that we are “to mourn with those that mourn” You never know what people are going through or what trials they face. But just being a good friend and compassionate is the best help you can give.

4th) Jesus bore witness of His divine mission and of His Fathers great work. For our part, we can stand as witnesses of God at all times. Elder Ballard gave a talk called “Creating a Gospel Sharing Home” (Two conferences ago I believe) And talks about being good member missionaries, and one of the best ways to do that is by our example and how we live. If our friends and acquaintances simply know we are LDS, and then we live the gospel, our example will do much of the teaching. I always loved tracting into someone and they would say “oh I know a Mormon”. I would get all excited and say “Really, who?” And I loved to hear the members names and know that they lived amazing lives and were examples to that person, and many others.

5th) Jesus invited “the little children to come unto Him.” Our children need our attention and love as well as our care. With all that goes on in the world we want our homes to be a refuge, a place where our children (or family) feels loved and welcome.

President Faust continues, “Many think that the price of discipleship is too costly and too burdensome. For some it involves giving up too much. But the cross is not as heavy as it appears to be. Through obedience we acquire much greater strength to carry on.” I love the scripture in Mosiah 24:14-15:…….. We can always turn to the Lord for strength. He will lighten our burdens by strengthening us so that we are able to bear them.

Through our discipleship, we are able to receive the spiritual strength that we need to deal with the challenges of life.

As you strive to become better disciples of Christ pray for that help. We can pray daily to resist temptations in our lives. And we can take one day at a time to incorporate into our lives the acts of Christ. I know that He is there to help us, and that he knows us each so well, and the effort we make. I love this church and know that it is the only true and living church on the earth. That Jesus Christ is the head of the church, and continues to lead us through revelation to a living prophet on the earth. I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ amen.

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